Monday, August 9, 2010

Sink or Swim...

Today is the start of a new era.  I have decided to start newtoday and every morning from now on start new! I am in shock at how quickly the past five years have flown by, it is all a blur.  I want to someday comeback and remember what today was like as  young mother.  While laying in bed waiting for my alarm (miss Mya) to sound this morning, I was thinking back through the past few years at how much has changed.

January 2005
With a head full of dreams I said 'I do' to my knight in shining armor.  We moved from a small mid-west town to a historical west coast one.  I thought we would call this new town home for MAYBE a year.  I was wrong.  Fast forward to January 2010.  As our fourth girl was born,  my knight's armor wasn't as shiny as it once was, and my head is no longer so full of fairytale dreams. Dreams of world travel, decadent dining, and shopping sprees have been replaced by messy diapers and swiss cheese stuck to the bottom of my shoe.  Its now time to 'Survive'! 

I don't think a day does go by that I regret this position.  Sure there are moments here and there where I wish I could not be touched for thirty seconds, but I am always quickly reminded of how this life is no longer about me.  The only thing that matters is what this Mom( mother, mama and maaaaa) can give to this family unit. I m reminded of that catchy country song by Toby Keith 'I wanna talk about me!'.  I laugh inside because too many times in a day I feel like yelling that out to my kids, but then rember the end of the song he goes 'me me me me' and then I am cured.  For a little while. 

Mirrium Webster decribes Mother simply as a female parent.  Anyone who has ever had or been a mother knows that there is so much more.  The words that come to my mind when I think of my Mother I think of: She is a Friend to everyone who needs one, a Teacher of not only accademics but life, she is a Cook when anyone is hungry, a Counselor when someone just needs to talk, a Maid 24/7, an Enourager when someone is feeling dicouraged, a Supporter to her husband and children, she is the Heart of the Home, she has the ability to make the house feel warm and cozy just by the mood she is in and she is a reflection of Gods love. Now, that sounds like a fairytale if I ever heard one. 

~*~ Lord, You are God, You are King of all.  I will praise your name as long as I draw breath. Thank you for being the same yesterday, today and forever. I thank you for my family, and thank you for showing me your love though them.   Tame my heart and make it yours. I ask that you give me eyes to see and ears to hear Your truth.  Help me be the mom you made me to be. I feel like it is impossible task to raise a family properly in this world today, as it says in your Word, I know you are greater than the things of this world. My Lord, you are the ruler of my life and I ask you to guide me, keep and protect the hearts, mind, and body of my family.  We will only serve you.  In the name of Jesus.  Amen. ~*~

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mariss for taking us mothers back to reality and for helping us realize what it truly means to be a mother. Your posts are very inspiring. Been wanting to do something like this myself. You are an encouragment!
